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Coptic Seal in the Form of a Crescent

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Coptic Seal in the Form of a Crescent Empty Coptic Seal in the Form of a Crescent

Post  Admin Wed Feb 24, 2010 7:40 am

Coptic Seal in the Form of a Crescent 20004410
This metal seal in the form of a crescent is inscribed with a Coptic word that consists of seven raised letters. The word is "Agios", which means "holy". Holiness is an attribute of God's attributes: He alone is absolutely holy.

A raised border surrounds the word. The seal has a circular handle with a ball-shaped part joining it to allow precision of usage.

The use of such seals in the church and contents was widespread to proclaim the name of the God and his holiness and for the purpose of blessing everything therein.
Coptic Seal in the Form of a Crescent Spacer
Dimensions: Length 6.5 cm
Coptic Seal in the Form of a Crescent Herz

Posts : 216
Join date : 2009-10-02
Age : 35
Location : egypt-cairo

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