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Book That is Part of a Katamarus

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Book That is Part of a Katamarus Empty Book That is Part of a Katamarus

Post  Admin Fri Oct 16, 2009 2:03 pm

Book That is Part of a Katamarus 20011-10

This book is a part of a Katamarus, a Greek word that means "according to the day" or in Arabic Dallal, "that which defines the day." It is a lectionary of the days.

In the Coptic Church, there are various kinds of Katamarus. There is the yearly Katamarus, the book that contains the readings for the whole year; the Passion Week Katamarus, which contains the readings for the last week of Lent; and the Lenten Katamarus, the book containing the readings for the whole of Lent.

The readings in each Katamarus are divided into days according to the Coptic months. The readings for each day include part of a psalm, part of the Gospel, part of the Pauline Epistles, part of the Catholic Epistles, and part of the Acts of the Apostles or Praxis.
Book That is Part of a Katamarus Spacer
Dimensions: Length 32.5 cm Width 24 cm

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Age : 35
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