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Clay Plate Mold

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Clay Plate Mold Empty Clay Plate Mold

Post  Admin Tue Feb 23, 2010 9:57 am

Clay Plate Mold 95-9-c10
This clay plate has an ornament in the center in the form of a cross, bordered by a round frame and decorated with leaves. It was probably used as a mold for clay shapes to adorn walls inside houses of worship or in homes.

The shape is modified and the leaves are considered by the Copts to be a sign of victory, sublimity, and purity of heart.
Clay Plate Mold Spacer
Dimensions: Height 5 cm Diameter 36.5 cm
Clay Plate Mold Star3

Posts : 216
Join date : 2009-10-02
Age : 35
Location : egypt-cairo

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