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Circular Lamp made from Clay Jar

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Circular Lamp made from Clay Jar Empty Circular Lamp made from Clay Jar

Post  Admin Wed Feb 24, 2010 7:23 am

Circular Lamp made from Clay Jar Egy00810
The circular lamp is in the shape of a bowl with a central jar made of one piece of clay. The central jar contains the twisted wick used in oil lamps.

The wick was probably made of linen coated with oil or animal fat to last longer and to provide light.

Found in the jar were charred fragments, remains of the small wick, and an unidentified substance possibly used for aromatic purposes.
Circular Lamp made from Clay Jar Spacer
Dimensions: Height 9.5 cm Diameter 26 cm
Circular Lamp made from Clay Jar Icon_queen

Posts : 216
Join date : 2009-10-02
Age : 35
Location : egypt-cairo

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