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Canopic Jar of Djehuty-Nakht

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Canopic Jar of Djehuty-Nakht Empty Canopic Jar of Djehuty-Nakht

Post  Admin Wed Feb 24, 2010 6:54 am

Canopic Jar of Djehuty-Nakht Egy00412
The canopic jar of Djehuty-Nakht, used to store the embalmed internal organs, is finely polished.

The human-headed lid is well modeled with low relief lines indicating the eyebrows, eyelids, and cosmetic lines.

The relatively long wig leaves the ears and throat exposed. The stopper on the underside of the lid was apparently made on a potter's wheel.

The surface of the jar bears incised lines representing two human arms. Between them is written the name of Duamutef, one of the sons of Horus and protector of the stomach.
Canopic Jar of Djehuty-Nakht Spacer
Dimensions: Height 44.5 cm
Canopic Jar of Djehuty-Nakht Icon_rolleyes

Posts : 216
Join date : 2009-10-02
Age : 35
Location : egypt-cairo

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